Genre:Hip-Hop / Rap
"(Mega Ran)'s proven he can excel in storytelling, punchlines, poignancy, freestyling and, well, pretty much any other way you can measure an MC." - LA Weekly"Meet Mega Ran, your new favorite video game oriented rapper" - NOISEYMega Ran (formerly Random), aka Raheem Jarbo of Philadelphia is probably best known for releasing "Mega Ran," a video game tribute album that caught the attention of international game developer CAPCOM, who offered young Ran an unprecedented licensing agreement. He's gone on to land viral fame with songs and videos that have reached ESPN, ABC, Comedy Central and even pro-wrestling.Arguably the world's most well known video-game influenced performance artist, the former teacher's high-energy shows and fun, nerdy persona have led to world tours, festival and video game tournament performances, and a legion of smart art fans he calls "Team Mega." Ran continues to bend genre definitions and reality with each release, and the sky is the limit. Ran may have traded in the chalk for the microphone, but every song, every lyric, and every appearance is a lesson. Mega Ran's newest album "RNDM" debuted at #2 on Billboard's Heatseekers chart, and placed on several end-of-year best lists. The album signifies Mega Ran's transition from niche video game markets to stages and festivals all over the world.