Etch (San Bernardino, CA)


ETCH, an 18-year old singer/songwriter and talented musician, CHLOE STAR NAKHJAVANPOUR, is truly a rising star as her middle name would indicate. Life challenges at an early age have scripted her music in a way that will inspire youth everywhere. This part Persian, part Native American songstress has been inspired by eclectic artists such as: Guns Nā€™ Roses, Amy Winehouse, and Demi Lovato. ETCH craves for connections with others through her music, ā€œI want to tell my story to everyone that I am living proof that you can overcome tough situations in life. I want people to listen to my music and know that they are not alone.ā€ Her infectious freestyles and hooks over syncopated chords combine pop, hip hop, and rock to create truly original, memorable music.