Kevor "Var" Williams is a singer, songwriter and musician notably familiar and a touring guest member with the reggae collective, "INNA DE YARD". Var was born in Portland, Jamaica in the district of Bellevue, a historical battleground once occupied by National heroine, 'Nanny of the Maroons'. Var's experience has presented him with multiple instances to practice his gift. He has written songs for Grammy Award nominated musicians including reggae band "RAGING FYAH". He has collaborated with notable artist, Kabaka Pyramid, Richie Spice and Duane Stephenson. His career has carried his talents to be showcased at prestigious international festivals including Philarmonie de Paris, Paleo, Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, Sun Ska, No Logo, Le Trianon and Rebel Salute. Kevor's music is honest and pure, promoting a sense of roots and culture that is ingrained in his identity, His next single "Jah Love" resonates with an organic, acoustic influenced modern sound set to be released in 2019.